International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


624 results found
blog: Let a Smile Be Your --- FACE!

This was originally published on the Embro Thistle Singers' blog.    Have you ever walked through a mall or downtown and "people watched"?  Oh My.  There are people walking around who, in My Mother's words, would be horrified if thei...

blog: A Year As A Nomadic Composer: Teachings And Thoughts By Santiago Veros

A Year As a Nomad:   April 4, 2023, marked the last day I spent in My birth country. I shared breakfast with My brother and Mother, showed My boarding pass, and within minutes, I was on a plane to London. What happened during all that tiMe? ...

blog: Where are all the birthday Songs?

[The views expressed in this blog are from My personal experiences from 25 years of leading non-auditioned community choirs in the UK, as well as adult singing workshops. My focus is on teaching by ear using a repertoire of Songs from traditions across th...

Penkside Community Choir
group: Penkside Community Choir

We a mixed, open-access choir requiring no auditions, no previous experience or ability to read music. Everything is Taught by ear and the focus is on having fun and enjoying singing together, rather than achieving perfection. We try to perform a few tiMe...  more

The Dream Choir
group: The Dream Choir

We are a community choir Taught mostly by ear. We do provide music for those who want it, but you are not required to audition or read music. All are welcoMe. We do a fun variety of world music, pop classics, and whatever else we feel like. We do one perf...  more

Slumber Songs (3CN, mvt I)
video: Slumber Songs (3CN, mvt I)

Slumber Songs (3 Canadian Nocturnes, moveMent I) text: John McCrae music: Nathaniel Barnes singer: Matthew Curtis I Sleep, little eyes That brim with childish tears amid thy play, Be comforted! No grief of night can weigh Against the joys that...  more

blog: I know over 600 Songs so how coMe I can’t think of one when soMeone asks?

[The views expressed in this blog are from My personal experiences from 25 years of leading non-auditioned community choirs in the UK, as well as adult singing workshops. My focus is on teaching by ear using a repertoire of Songs from traditions across th...

Leeds People's Choir
group: Leeds People's Choir

We take pleasure in singing Songs of joy, struggle, liberation, celebration and peace from around the world. We are a mainly secular, community choir where everyone is welcoMe. No audition. No need to read music (unless you want to). We're a friendly bun...  more

CWU Chamber Choir: Vijay Singh, Songs for Braithwaite
video: CWU Chamber Choir: Vijay Singh, Songs for Braithwaite

The CWU Chamber Choir (Gary Weidenaar, director) performs moveMents 1 & 2 of "Songs for Braithwaite" by CWU Faculty Member and composer Vijay Singh. "Songs for Braithwaite" was inspired by soMe of the poems of William Stanley Braithwaite. A two minute com...  more

VoiceWorks Community Choir
group: VoiceWorks Community Choir

A big, mixed, open access choir, singing contemporary repertoire from Nina Simone to DJ Fresh. The emphasis is on enjoying singing together with lots of energy and enthusiasm. Everything is Taught by ear - no written music is used at all. We perform ...  more