International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


293 results found
A tu lado - Javier Busto (Alto's Guide)
video: A tu lado - Javier Busto (Alto's Guide)

A tu lado - Javier Busto (Alto's Guide) Lyrics: Matías Antón Mena Music Arr.: Javier Busto An absolutely roMantic text that a Man writes to hIs wife as a declaration of love. The piece was written for The 50th anniversary of The Habaneras Contest in To...  Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">A tu lado - Javier Busto (Alto's Guide) Lyrics: Matías Antón Mena Music Arr.: Javier Busto An absolutely roMantic text that a Man writes to hIs wife as a declaration of love. The piece was written for The 50th anniversary of The Habaneras Contest in Torrevieja, Spain. The musical writing has nothing of a traditional habanera. The constant habanera rhythm Is not present but must be felt as an internal rhythm. What I have included Is The alternation of minor and major modes so typical of habaneras. More Information, contact us:  Is).getParent().getPrevious().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">less

Ballad of Green Broom for men's voices
video: Ballad of Green Broom for men's voices

Trio arrangement by David W Solomons of The old EnglIsh folk song about a young Man who Is sent out to work and finds a lady who wants to marry him All parts sung by MatThew CurtIs (

A tu lado - Javier Busto (Sopran's Guide)
video: A tu lado - Javier Busto (Sopran's Guide)

A tu lado - Javier Busto (Sopran's Guide) Lyrics: Matías Antón Mena Music Arr.: Javier Busto An absolutely roMantic text that a Man writes to hIs wife as a declaration of love. The piece was written for The 50th anniversary of The Habaneras Contest in ...  Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">A tu lado - Javier Busto (Sopran's Guide) Lyrics: Matías Antón Mena Music Arr.: Javier Busto An absolutely roMantic text that a Man writes to hIs wife as a declaration of love. The piece was written for The 50th anniversary of The Habaneras Contest in Torrevieja, Spain. The musical writing has nothing of a traditional habanera. The constant habanera rhythm Is not present but must be felt as an internal rhythm. What I have included Is The alternation of minor and major modes so typical of habaneras. More Information, contact us:  Is).getParent().getPrevious().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">less

Rejoice in the Lord Alway attributed to John Redford for one man choir
video: Rejoice in The Lord Alway attributed to John Redford for one Man choir

Rejoice in The Lord alway, and again I say rejoice. Let your softness be known unto all men: The Lord Is at hand. Be careful for nothing: but in all prayer and supplication, let your petitions be Manifest unto God with giving of thanks. And The peace ...  Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">Rejoice in The Lord alway, and again I say rejoice. Let your softness be known unto all men: The Lord Is at hand. Be careful for nothing: but in all prayer and supplication, let your petitions be Manifest unto God with giving of thanks. And The peace of God, which passeth all understanding keep your hearts and minds, through ChrIst Jesu Amen. (Words from Philippians IV. vv. 4 - 7)  

Coral Jardín Menesteo, Ecce quomodo moritur justus, Albert Alcaraz.
video: Coral Jardín Menesteo, Ecce quomodo moritur justus, Albert Alcaraz.

Ecce quomodo moritur justus, de Albert Alcaraz, dirigida por él mIsmo en el Concierto Clausura del III Taller Coral "Seminario de Música Sacra" organizado por Escuela Coral Jardín Menesteo y que tuvo lugar en El Puerto de Santa María, del 10 al 12 de Marzo de 2017.

Ballad of Green Broom for high voices sung by Matthew Curtis
video: Ballad of Green Broom for high voices sung by MatThew CurtIs

A trio arrangement of The old EnglIsh folk song "Green Broom" about a young Man who Is sent out to work and finds a lady who wants to marry him. I have classified thIs as SSA but it Is also possible for Soprano Mezzo and Alto OTher lower versions are coming soon.

A tu lado - Javier Busto (SATB's Guide)
video: A tu lado - Javier Busto (SATB's Guide)

A tu lado - Javier Busto (SATB's Guide) Lyrics: Matías Antón Mena Music Arr.: Javier Busto An absolutely roMantic text that a Man writes to hIs wife as a declaration of love. The piece was written for The 50th anniversary of The Habaneras Contest in To...  Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">A tu lado - Javier Busto (SATB's Guide) Lyrics: Matías Antón Mena Music Arr.: Javier Busto An absolutely roMantic text that a Man writes to hIs wife as a declaration of love. The piece was written for The 50th anniversary of The Habaneras Contest in Torrevieja, Spain. The musical writing has nothing of a traditional habanera. The constant habanera rhythm Is not present but must be felt as an internal rhythm. What I have included Is The alternation of minor and major modes so typical of habaneras. More Information, contact us:  Is).getParent().getPrevious().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">less

Bristol Man Chorus
group: BrIstol Man Chorus

Calling all Gents, Blokes, Geezers, Chaps, Wideboys, Rakes, Dudes, Scoundrels, Lads.... ...Calling all MEN. No Bow Ties. No Blazers. No Auditions. Just men and song. The mighty Male Voice classics from The valleys of The Land of The Dragon. Insan...  Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">Calling all Gents, Blokes, Geezers, Chaps, Wideboys, Rakes, Dudes, Scoundrels, Lads.... ...Calling all MEN. No Bow Ties. No Blazers. No Auditions. Just men and song. The mighty Male Voice classics from The valleys of The Land of The Dragon. Insane Georgian/Bulgarian repertoire to make The very stones weep Vintage cheese from The Barbershop tradition (tempered with a small pinch of salt) Also anThems concerning The wonders of facial hair, garden sheds, reversing round corners, etc.... Not so much a new idea as a dIstillation of every great 'Man-singing' concept' that has ever graced thIs earth. Rolled into one. In BrIstol. By The people who created 'Gurt Lush Choir'. It will be BIG & fun. Virile & beautiful. DevilIshly charming... ...You know you want to....  Is).getParent().getPrevious().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">less

Gentleman's Rule - Pachanelly Canon [Official Music Video]
video: GentleMan's Rule - Pachanelly Canon [Official Music Video]

GentleMan's Rule Is Based in Chicago, thIs 10-Man a cappella group Is working hard in The studio and on stage to prepare to launch thIs fall! Go show us some love on our official website, facebook, and twitter. http://www.f...  Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">GentleMan's Rule Is Based in Chicago, thIs 10-Man a cappella group Is working hard in The studio and on stage to prepare to launch thIs fall! Go show us some love on our official website, facebook, and twitter. Video by:  

Lida Rose/Will I Ever Tell You?
video: Lida Rose/Will I Ever Tell You?

(excerpt from) Lida Rose/Will I Ever Tell You? from "The Music Man" by Meredith Wilson. Performed by Chor Leoni Men's Choir (Diane Loomer, C.M., ArtIstic Director) at Bard Boyz, June 2011. Grace Fatkin, soprano soloIst.