International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


359 results found
Tswelopele Chorus - Thanks be to God
video: Tswelopele Chorus - Thanks be to God


Phoenix Boys Choir
group: Phoenix Boys Choir

Mission Statement: The Phoenix Boys Choir, through educating Boys in the art of singing and performing the finest music in the Boy choir tradition, develops character, discipline, leadership, global awareness, and a strong commitment to excellence, there...  more

Choir of St. Benedict's College
group: Choir of St. Benedict's College

The history of the Benedictine Choir dates back to the early 1900. It was Mr. Bonnie Fonseka, a distinguished Old Boy, who's vision soon came to be a Benedictine tradition, by forming a musical club. This prompted the birth of the first College Choir. The...  more

blog: Albion Scores - Fraser Wilson

You have heard These Islands now get the sheet music and chance for you to make these your own. The music that you want not up there then contact Fraser. God Be in My Head Vidi Aquam Jerusalem

Place in the Choir
video: Place in the Choir

Voices of Aloha choir sing a rousing rendition of "Place in the Choir" at their 2017 Spring Concert under the direction of Mark Yasuhara.

Grover / Leo : The Esoterics
video: Grover / Leo : The Esoterics

Grover the beloved cat filmed during his last month and set to a recording of the Esoterics' performance of "Leo" by Greg Bartholomew. Filmed on location at the Grover Country Club by Greg Bartholomew and Richard Hutter, staff.

Drakensberg Boys Choir School
group: Drakensberg Boys Choir School

The Drakensberg Boys’ Choir School is one of the few South African schools whose fame extends around the world. This school offers a unique educational opportunity for children; it stimulates a Boy’s spirit of adventure and exploration in the physical sur...  more

video: BRIGG FAIR - Percy Grainger, THE SONGMEN

European Grand Prix Association For Choral Singing 43rd Tolosa Choral Contest 2011, Basque Country, Spain THE SONGMEN from United Kingdom. BRIGG FAIR, Percy Grainger (1882-1961)

Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir
group: Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir

The Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir (TWMVC) was established in 1995 gathering together a group of like-minded individuals of Welsh heritage sought to kindle the spirit of traditional Welsh male voice singing in their adopted Country. Ably assisted by, now ...  more

blog: Mood of Christmas 2013; A 10th Time Success

10 years ago, when Yasmin Cader asked Soul Sounds to do a concert at the then Colombo Plaza, little did I know that 10 years later we would still be singing heralding the birth of Christ at the same venue... I Thank God for the blessings, and Thank all in...