International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


618 results found
Ave regina coelorum_Oriana.wmv
video: Ave regina coelorum_Oriana.wmv

Performance of youth female choir Oriana on II KRAKOW Advent & Christmas Choir Festival, December 2011. G.Palestrina "Ave Regina Coelorum", conductor Galina Shpak.

ex-semble, Knut Nystedt: Sancta Maria
video: ex-semble, Knut Nystedt: Sancta Maria

Knut Nystedt: Sancta Maria; at 10th International Chamber Choir Competition Marktoberdorf - Concert Dreifaltigkeitskirche Kaufbeuren . DVD and CD available

Concordia Choir: Ave Verum Corpus
video: Concordia Choir: Ave Verum Corpus

The Concordia Choir singing Mozart's "Ave Verum Corpus." Learn more about The Concordia Choir of Moorhead, Minnesota at Our conductor since 1986 is composer René Clausen.

Ave Musica Choir (Ukraine) - Ukrainian Folkore program
video: Ave Musica Choir (Ukraine) - Ukrainian Folkore program

Ave Musica Choir (Odessa) performs Ukrainian folklore program @ Festival Internacional de Musica de Cantonigros 2012 (Vic, Spain) 1. "Ой, дуб, дуба" (обр. Н.Ракова) - «Oh, Oak, Oakling» (ukrainian folk song, arr. by Nikolay Rakov) 2. "Стоїть явір" (В....  more

Juan María Solare - PRELUDIO INVISIBLE Nº 4
video: Juan María Solare - PRELUDIO INVISIBLE Nº 4

Coro VocesBravasLab, 2010, El Escorial (España), dirigido por Sonia Megías Preludio invisible nr. 4, de Juan María Solare Juan María Solare Sonia Megías

Ave Musica Choir (Ukraine) - "Lux Aurumque" (E. Whitacre)
video: Ave Musica Choir (Ukraine) - "Lux Aurumque" (E. Whitacre)

"Ave Musica" Youth Chamber Choir performs "Lux Aurumque" by Eric Whitacre. Odessa, Ukraine

SANTA MARIA, STRELA DO DIA - Cantiga 100 (Alfonso X El Sabio) CORO "SANTA MARÍA"
video: SANTA MARIA, STRELA DO DIA - Cantiga 100 (Alfonso X El Sabio) CORO "SANTA MARÍA"

Asociación Musical CORO "SANTA MARÍA" SERGIO ASIÁN, Director Interpretan Santa Maria, strela do dia (Cantiga 100) de Alfonso X El Sabio, el 1 de noviembre de 2013 en la ciudad de Lisboa, Portugal. Más información en:

What about Mary? - Trailer
video: What about Mary? - Trailer

What about Mary? - Wishful Singing Haar naam is zo oud als de jaartelling: Maria. Door de eeuwen heen is haar naam blijven klinken, zonder aan kracht in te boeten. Van moeder tot majesteit: Maria’s bleven komen en gaan. Maria Callas, Mary Poppins, Bloo...  more

Ave Verum - Jake Runestad
video: Ave Verum - Jake Runestad

"Ave Verum" by Jake Runestad. Original text by Todd Boss. Performed live by The Choral Arts Society of Washington D.C. at the Kennedy Center. Scott Tucker, conductor.

AVE MUSICA '2016: "Moя любов" / "My love"
video: Ave MUSICA '2016: "Moя любов" / "My love"

"Моя любов" Музика - Стефан Димитров, стихове - Михаил Белчев, аранжимент и диригент - Таня Никлева-Владева Изпълнява хор "Ave Musica" 15.12.2016 г., зала "Филип Кутев" на Съюза на българските композитори ============== "My love" Music - Stefan Dim...  more