International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


422 results found
blog: Spend some time in Caorle/Venice - the best thing you do next Spring

… this How we think about it, but let’s see, what the others say! "Venezia in Musica was a Great experience for me and my choir. The festival was well organized and the staff was always smiling and helpful. We found Caorle picturesque and ...

The Choral Society of Grace Church
group: The Choral Society of Grace Church

The Choral Society is a 150-voice ensemble of experienced professional and avocational singers who volunteer their time and talents in the service of the choral Art form. Supported by some of New York’s finest freelance orchestra players, the Choral Soci...  more

blog: Why singing together is a Great healer

[A version of this Article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]The world can be a scary and upsetting place. When I wrote this back in 2016, here in the UK we were witnessing political infighting, uncertain futures, auster...

Silicon Valley Boychoir
group: Silicon Valley Boychoir

Mission statement: To train boys in the choral Art with an emphasis on music literacy and the highest Artistic standards. Boys will learn life-long skills and go forth into the world as skilled tenors and basses and leaders in their future choirs.

blog: Preserve it for the future

Traditions. It is important for you to sHow your folklore style, to save and hand on the next generation? We think so. You sing in a choir or dance in a Folklore group? We can give you Great platform for your aim. Please check the dates and location...

Zhar-Sokol chor
group: Zhar-Sokol chor

Our collective history began in 1936 when Vladislav Sokolov (who was a a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory) created a children's choir, which is almost 70 years was a model of Russian choral Art throughout the Soviet Union and in many foreign countries ...  more

blog: Don’t stress about things you can’t control

I’ve just finished reading a remarkable book called The Art of Possibility. It’s jointly authored by Rosamund Stone Zander and her husband, Benjamin Zander, who is an orchestral conductor.   Ben Zander by p_c_w   In the book, B...

The Vocal Octet
group: The Vocal Octet

In its 26 years, The VOCAL Octet has brought polyphonic a-cappella singing in Israel to a fine Art. The ensemble has a fascinating and diverse repertoire, most of which is original arrangements written by its members, some with humorous texts. The differe...  more

blog: ALBION - Sold out

It's a Great tribute to the skill and warm-heArtedness of the group of wonderful people that makes up Albion that YET AGAIN we have sold out a concert in Sheffield before the day. I'm proud of you all that you create and perpetuate something in which so m...

blog: Looking after yourself in a busy concert season

[A version of this Article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   For many of us, this time of year is just one concert after another. It’s Great to be doing so much singing, but it can have its downsides. &n...