International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


124 results found
NNSU Academic Choir - Terek's song (25.12.2010)
video: NNSU Academic Choir - Terek's Song (25.12.2010)

Мужской состав Академического хора ННГУ исполняет казачью народную песню "Терская плясовая" (концерт 25.12.2010) Men of the NNSU Academic Choir perform cossack folk Song "Terek's Song" (concert 25.12.2010)

Salve Regina Montserrat
video: Salve Regina Montserrat

musique: Jean-Christophe Rosaz Choeur de femmes Opéra-Lyre direction: Béatrice Malleret prise de Son: Jean-Christophe Jacques Editions Delatour France Vitrail de F.Eric (Taizé) Abbaye de Cîteaux Vitraux d'Alfred Manessier avec l'aimable autorisati...  more

Cantique de Jean Racine - Chorale CasaSawt & Chorale SGMA
video: Cantique de Jean Racine - Chorale CasaSawt & Chorale SGMA

La Chorale CasaSawt et la Chorale SGMA sous la direction de Son chef d'orchestre et de chœur Adnane MATRONE lors de la 3ème édition du Festival International SAWT des Chœurs et Ensembles Vocaux à Casablanca avec la participation de l'Orchestre Symphonique...  more

Sergey Khvoshchinsky - Christmas Alleluia (Lullaby for Jesus)
video: Sergey Khvoshchinsky - Christmas Alleluia (Lullaby for Jesus)

Music for Soprano and Choir with Orchestra. In this music, the composer wanted to express Mary's feelings of love and worry for her newborn, Son of God. Solo by Cheryl Oie.

Te quiero - Mario Benedetti - Alberto Favero - Escolanía María Auxiliadora - EMA Cadiz
video: Te quiero - Mario Benedetti - Alberto Favero - Escolanía María Auxiliadora - EMA Cadiz Poema: Mario Benedetti. Música: Alberto Favero Si te quiero es porque sos mi amor mi cómplice y todo y en la calle, codo a codo, somos mucho más que dos. Tus manos Son mi caricia, mis acordes cotidianos, te quiero porq...  more

Lamma Bada Yatathana - Moroccan CasaSawt Choir in Qingdao City Balcony
video: Lamma Bada Yatathana - Moroccan CasaSawt Choir in Qingdao City Balcony

La Chorale CasaSawt sous la direction de Son chef d'orchestre et de chœur Adnane MATRONE lors du Festival Eurochestries en Chine. Qingdao West Coast Festival Lamma Bada Yatathanna est le mouachah le plus connu dans le monde arabe, il s'agit de la po...  more

Choir "Brio Sonores" Отче наш  (П.Чесноков)
video: Choir "Brio Sonores" Отче наш (П.Чесноков)

Отче наш (П.Чесноков) Interpretează corul de bărbați "Brio Sonores" Dirijor: Ion Brătescu Отче наш (П.Чесноков) Plays men's choir "Brio Sonores", choir master: Ion Brătescu Отче наш (П.Чесноков) Исполняет мужской хор "Brio Sonores" дирижор: Ио...  more

So ben mi ch'a bon tempo - The Marion Consort
video: So ben mi ch'a bon tempo - the Marion Consort

Son ben mi ch'a bon tempo - Orazio Vecchi the Marion Consort from Chicago, Illinois From our summer concert on Saturday, July 16, 2011 at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Chicago, Illinois. Check out more live recordings on our facebook page! w...  more

Eco melodioso
video: Eco melodioso

Guajira - Son Piñeiro Arreglo coral: Electo Silva Coro Música Esperanza Director: Carlos andrés Aciar Ensayo abierto San Miguel De Tucumán 1993 Dedicado a Miguel Ángel Estrella

Misericordes Sicut Pater_(Paul Inwood) Male Choir Performance by the Golden Voices Choir STACC FUTO
video: Misericordes Sicut Pater_(Paul Inwood) Male Choir Performance by the Golden Voices Choir STACC FUto

Inno per I'Anno Sancto della Misericordia (Hymn for the Holy Year of Mercy) “Misericordes sicut Pater,” is the official Latin theme of the Year of Mercy and translates to “Merciful Like the Father"; by the English Composer Paul Inwood and the text of ...  more